Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I have been thinking about it a lot this year.
The trajectory of our lives seldom follows a straight line. The ups and downs in life are a given, but how we respond to them is not. If, for example, you have been denied a promotion because of your race or gender, or if you have been denied long term disability benefits even though you clearly cannot work, you could choose to accept that treatment and try to move on with your life. On the other hand, you could choose to stand up for yourself, for your family, and fight the wrongful treatment levied upon you. (I am happy to see if we can help you with that fight.)
“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
When you stand up for yourself, you take a chance. You may win, you may not. Regardless of the outcome, however, you have tried to change your life for the better. You can thank yourself for trying to effect positive change in your life, but do not stop there. Whether you initially realize it or not, you can seldom attempt to change your life for the better by yourself. Usually effecting positive change in our lives takes the support and guidance of friends, colleagues, and sometimes strangers. Think about the people who have helped you and thank them.
This year, I have quite a bit to be thankful for. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for my incredibly supportive wife and parents, my friends, my colleagues, and my dogs. Each has helped me in immeasurable ways in the last year, perhaps in some ways they do not even realize. Most importantly, I am thankful for having the opportunity to do work I love, find interesting, and which hopefully makes a positive difference in the lives of others.
I do not know about you, but I am a lucky and thankful man.