There are many different medical conditions that can prevent people from being able to work and earn a living. Without the ability to work, you will need financial assistance to cover your bills and basic expenses, as well as provide for your household. Many people feel comfort knowing they have disability insurance coverage from their employer in case they become disabled. However, once you need benefits, it can be surprisingly challenging to obtain them from an insurer. If you are having difficulty with a long term disability insurance claim, or you would like assistance with an initial claim, you should not hesitate to consult with a Malvern long term disability insurance attorney. The Garner Firm understands the challenges that come with disability claims, and we help clients get the benefits they deserve. Contact us today.
Denied Disability Claims
If you have long term disability coverage through your employer, the coverage is most likely governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Most employees believe this law is in place to protect their rights to benefits, though, in practical matters, the law tends not to favor claimants. Many claimants find they do not have the protections to benefits they expect under the law, and insurance companies can more easily justify denying long term disability claims. Insurance companies will search for any possible reason to deny a benefits claim. Some reasons for denials include:
- The insurer believes you should be able to work
- The insurer states that your medical condition does not fit into the definition of “disability” under your policy
- The insurer claims you made a procedural error or did not provide all the necessary documentation
There is a lot of preparation that goes into a successful long term disability claim, and many people do not realize the time and energy it takes. Even if you do everything right, you can still end up facing a denial of benefits. While you focus on your medical condition and any necessary medical treatment you need, let our long term disability lawyers handle the claim process for you.
Long Term Disability Claim Appeals
Some people are denied disability benefits from the start. Others might receive benefits for some time, then learn that their benefits have been terminated or reduced when they still cannot work. In either situation, it is important to have the right attorney appealing the insurance company’s decision. Our lawyers understand the evidence and documentation needed to prove a disability to an ERISA insurance company. If the insurer still will not give you the rightful benefits, we can file a lawsuit in court to fight for what you are entitled to.
Contact Our Experienced Disability Insurance Attorneys in Philadelphia
If you have a potential fight with a disability insurer, you want an experienced Malvern long term disability insurance attorney on your side. The Garner Firm is committed to representing disabled clients, so please contact us for more information today.